4th Annual Golf Outing, Thursday May 15th, 2025

This year’s Golf Outing will be held at Mountain View Golf Club, Ewing NJ. There will prizes, sponsorship opportunities.  games at the holes, and much more!

This year’s outing we will be raising funds for YWCA (Princeton)Breast Cancer Resource Center.

Download our Golf Brochure here
Download our tricky tray donation form here 
* All sponsorship and auction items are due by May 1st

Golfer Registration is due by May 1st

Golf Schedule

Registration: 10am-12:30pm
Complimentary Range:10am
Luncheon: 11:30am-12:30pm
Rules: 12:45pm
Announcements: 12:50pm
Shotgun Start: 1:00pm
Reception: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Auction: 6:00pm-8:00pm

GOLFER INCLUDES: Luncheon (beer and wine included), dinner reception(beer and wine included), sponsored beverage carts(beer included), driving range, swag at registration and dinner reception, and golf fees. There will be various games, tricky tray auction and a 50/50 raffle, entertainment and amenities throughout the day like you have never seen at an outing.

EVENT SPONSOR – $2,500 Includes Golf foursome, special event signage (both lunch and dinner reception), hole sign, company poster, social media and website recognition & the opportunity to distribute your branded item or promotion to golfers.

CORPORATE SPONSOR – $1,000 Includes two golfers, special event signage, social media and website recognition, & the opportunity to distribute your branded item or promotion to golfers.

CORPORATE FOURSOME – $725 Includes foursome, one hole sign & Social media and website recognition.

HOLE TABLE SPONSOR– $600 Receive a co-branded 6 foot table cloth with your company logo(with “Supporter of Happy Smiles Foundation Co-branding). You may bring company swag to hand out to golfers. Includes special event signage & Social media and website recognition.

RECEPTION SPONSOR – $500 An opportunity to sponsor the post-golf reception & awards ceremony. Includes special event signage & Social media and website recognition.

LUNCHEON SPONSOR – $250 An opportunity to sponsor the lunch provided before the event. Includes special event signage & Social media and website recognition.

HOSPITALITY CART SPONSOR – $250 An opportunity to sponsor the refreshments provided throughout the day. Includes special event signage & Social media and website recognition.

HOLE SPONSOR – $150 Includes one hole sign with your logo/name or message.

You may also send your check, made payable to Happy Smiles Foundation, to:

3123 Klockner Road, Hamilton NJ 08691

3123 Klockner Road,
Hamilton, NJ 08690

